Friday, August 28, 2009

Post fifty!

I love my job.

That being said, I got an email today from our parent company urging me to exercise my voice in the ongoing healthcare debate. I also got a letter containing four preprinted postcards with my representatives' names and addresses and MY name and address preprinted. There's a cute note asking me to slap on postage and send them off. Each postcard says I support healthcare reform, but NOT anything that might compete with private insurers.



  1. Charles Grassley, one of our Senators, is royally messing up the health care debate. Meanwhile, he recently received two million dollars from the health insurance industry. Imagine that.


  2. That is completely unsurprising... and depressing. And exactly why campaign contributions need to be capped and corporate contributions eliminated entirely. Why do corporations have all the rights of humans but none of the responsibilities?
